miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013


By: Malcome Gladwell


Out-li-er / -, li(-e)r/nom
I. something that it situated away from or classed differently from a main or related body.
II. A statistical observation that is markedly different in value from the others of the sample.

there always a story that is usually told about extremelu succesful people, a story that focuses on intelligence and ambition. but the real success doen't coming from just have a good look or be in the right time at the right moment, the real story of success it's very different, coming with a lot of eford, the hisroty of success is more complex and so much interesting than it initially appears.

On this book we will gonna know how the Beatles Or Bill Gates have 9n common, the extraordinarian success of Asian in math, the incledible advantages of star athletes, why all top Nwe York lawyers have the same resume, everything in terms of generation, billionaire, Gladwell argues, and it mattes where you were born if you want to be a successful pilot .

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